Develop your innovation with partnerships

Open innovation 2.0 is underway! Gone are the days of opportunism triggering unsuccessful POCs or new businesses that do little to contribute to your development: companies must now look at the ecosystem of potential partners in the light of their strategic challenges.

EPSA Innovation & Energy helps you establish your strategy, identify and filter the right nuggets.

Our method

  • Audit Monitoring of private and public research operators

  • Support for open innovation projects

  • Subsidized collaborative projects

the EPSA innovation & energy touch

Our added value

Via our platform organization and our various businesses, we benefit from a unique network of several thousand start-ups and public research laboratories to help you structure and supply your open innovation approach.

Your goals our solutions

We prepare the agenda and organization and select the participants for you (experts, start-ups, researchers, other contributors) with the associated objectives.

After reviewing your strategic challenges, we offer you an action plan and the creation of possible accommodation structures for these new projects.

meet our expert

« Our unique network of thousands of start-ups and public research laboratories can accompany your open innovation policies, including through the organization of Innovation Days »

Frédéric Jamet – Innovation & Energy Director

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