Benefit from cash quickly

While tax credits are important mechanisms for financing research and innovation, they fail to provide a posteriori the cash flow for expenses. Many financing outlets in France offer a wide range of innovation aid that provides you with the initial funding and throughout your project.

From grants to loans, including repayable advances, from the feasibility study to the development of your project, EPSA Innovation & Energy has a 360 ° vision of national and regional aid (French Tech, BPI, Regions, etc. …) and helps you prepare and process your files successfully.

Our method

  • Audit

    We carry out an audit of your development and investment projects.

  • Linking

    We put you in touch with the people directly concerned within the public administrations.

  • Strategy

    We offer you an optimized and relevant strategy, with the use of one or more funding levers.

  • Files preparation

    We put together an application file highlighting your approach to the institutions concerned.

  • Files submission

    We submit the request and we take charge of relaunching the institutions in charge in order to minimize the response time.

the EPSA innovation & energy touch

Our added value

We are by far the leader in France for the financing of start-ups and SMEs through BPI systems and in the regions. Our success rates exceed 80%. EPSA Innovation & Energy supports you in the financing of your projects thanks to a team of general engineers and consultants who are experts in the field.

The continuous monitoring of new systems allows us to offer you the most relevant and effective levers with regard to your needs. We make these procedures as secure as possible and support you in the event of a request for information from the decision-making bodies. We support our clients until a result is obtained and we are only remunerated according to this result.

Your goals our solutions

Our teams carry out an audit of your projects, identify the facilities that may benefit from funding and put in place the necessary procedures to obtain the funds.

Our teams are attentive to regulatory changes in order to provide you with the best possible benefit.

meet our expert

« Our teams help you set up and instruct your development projects to benefit from initial financing and throughout the project. Our excellent knowledge of the players in the sector allows us to obtain effective results. »

Frédéric Jamet – EPSA Innovation & Energy Director

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