Detect to innovate

The best innovation approaches are those that have evolved into true corporate cultures based on a fundamental element: the permanent detection of opportunities.

Through the observation of your customers and your markets, a global technological watch, the review of possible partners, or even the detection of weak signals, EPSA Innovation & Energy helps you to identify your future axes of ‘innovation by looking for elements that are not visible at first glance.

Our method

  • Active observation of your customers

  • Competition analysis

  • Global technology watch

  • Detection of weak signals

  • Wargames

the EPSA innovation & energy touch

Our added value

Our multidisciplinary teams know how to combine different areas of expertise and thus provide you with an offbeat and systemic perspective on your professions.

Our observations are above all concrete, pragmatic, “at the level of men” in order to focus our recommendations first on the human dimension before the technical dimension.

Your goals our solutions

We carry out observations of uses but also of business anthropology which complement your marketing studies in order to identify the evolutions of your customers (insights) and your markets to thus build tomorrow’s offers.

Our specialized teams are able to carry out studies and global monitoring in order to shed light on emerging technologies. They then select those that could bring you real added value.

Through various workshops carried out with your teams and research work on influencing factors, we structure the weak signals from your markets and build forward-looking scenarios.

meet our expert

« Our technological monitoring, market knowledge and analysis of weak signals allow our teams to identify and build with you your future areas of innovation. »

Frédéric Jamet – Innovation & Energy Director

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