Benefit from energy saving certificates

The system of energy saving certificates (EEC), created in 2006, is based on an obligation to achieve energy savings imposed by the public authorities on energy sellers. They must actively promote energy efficiency among energy consumers. This complex mechanism combines purely legal tools and market tools, obligations and incentives.

In this context of regulatory change, many opportunities arise, which EPSA Innovation & Energy is keen to identify. We have thus developed an expertise in order to “optimize the value of the EWCs from which you could benefit”.

Our method

  • Audit

    Our teams carry out a first audit of your activity and of past or future investment, construction and renovation projects.

  • Identification

    We identify the installations that can benefit from energy saving certificates.

  • Deployment

    We take the necessary steps to obtain savings.

The EPSA innovation & energy touch

Notre valeur ajoutée

EPSA Innovation & Energy supports you in managing your energy and environmental issues and more particularly in valuing energy saving certificates through a team of general engineers and tax specialists in the field. A permanent monitoring of laws allows us to be on the lookout for all new regulatory opportunities.

We support our clients until a result is obtained and we are only remunerated according to this result.

Your goals our solutions

Our teams carry out an audit of your projects, identify the facilities that may benefit from funding and implement the necessary procedures to obtain savings

Our teams are attentive to regulatory changes in order to provide you with the best possible benefit

Our references

Mobilis care & carry
Salaisons du mont pilat

meet our expert

« Any modification within the tangible and intangible infrastructures (purchase, extension, adaptation, transformation, upgrading, etc.) of public or private entities can lead to a reconsideration of the energy profile of the structure. In many cases, significant savings and partial or total coverage of the amount of investments or works can be achieved thanks to Energy Saving Certificates. »

Frédéric Jamet – Innovation & Energy Director

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